What Will You Get – Your New Key Fob Copies

If you are wondering how will your new key fob duplicates look like, this is the right page for you. All our models are listed below.  Remember to check your key fob compatibility before visiting us to ensure we can provide you with the best service possible. Thank you for choosing FobToronto!

key fob copy

No Waiting Times

We pride ourselves on having the best technology available to provide you with copies that work. All we need is a few minutes of your time.

No Paperwork Required

We do not require any personal information or paperwork to provide you with our service. All you need to do is bring a working key fob.

Innovative security

Data security is important to us and we know it’s important to you. Your data will be securely copied into a new fob and never stored into our system.
Standard Fobs

Standard Fobs Look Black

For all standard fobs, including models such as HID, AWID, Indala, IoProx and some more, the copy will look all black.  The design is modern and sleek, and the function will be just as good as the original.

iClass and iClass SE

iClass Fob Will Look The Same

If you have an iclass fob, the new one will look and work just like the original! It will be made of the same material, be the same size, and have the same functionality.

High Frequency Fobs

High Frequency MF Look Black

For High Frequency (MiFare) fobs the copy will look blue or black – just as the fobs above. Our modern, and light designs are perfect for every keychain.

High Frequency Salto Fobs

Salto Fobs Will Look Blue

Your Salto fob copies will be duplicated into a square blue fob.  Our fobs are available in 1 Kb and 4 Kb of memory and will meet the requirements of your contactless access control.

CityPlace – IR

Slick And Stylish Remote

If you have an IR we’ll provide you with a four-buttons remote will be programmed to match the functions of your current remote. You’ll be able to press any of the buttons to access your building.

Standard Garage Remote

Universal Remote

If you are trying to copy a linear garage remote, our sleek and stylish copy will not disappoint you. With all black and grey buttons, it’s the perfect addition to any keychain.

ICT and DKS Remotes

Advanced Round Remote

ICT’s and DKS remotes will be copied into this small rounded black remote. It will provide the same level of access as the original remote, but with a much more sophisticated look.

KeyScan Remotes

Looks Like A Car Fob

If you have a KeyScan remote the copy will look really similar to a car fob but will be programmed to perform the same functions as your old remote. With just a press of a button, you’ll be able to enter your building with ease.

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