Key Fob Copy FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions
We’re here to answer any and all questions- all day, all night, around the clock. Below is a list of our key fob copy FAQ – frequently asked questions, consisting of the many questions we get asked daily. Learn more about how to make a fob copy here.
More on our sitemap to navigate through all of our content as well!
What is a Key Fob? (More On That Here)
It’s the plastic round, oval, or button remote object that comes with your condo / apartment fob and key to get into the main entrance, elevator, and garage doors. We can do almost all garage remotes like the Keyscan remotes, but there’s a small percentage of some others we cannot. However, we can almost always copy the tap part of them.
If I lose my fob, can my condo make me an extra one for free?
Typically what will happen is that they would deactivate your lost fob and then make you another one after the deposit of upwards of $400 has been kept as that was the collateral. It also typically takes weeks to get your copy and requires many forms to be filled out. With us, it takes less than 5 minutes to get your new copy at a much more affordable price.
Why you should copy your fob?
Fob Copy is similar to key cutting but replacing a lost fob can cost up to $400 in condo management fees depending on the type of fob and security. By copying your fob in advance with us, you get a free back-up code in case you lose your fob copy and you can make extra/spare copies just in case or emergencies. Spare keys are needed for family, friends, and guests/visitors. Your building administers fobs only to tenants who signed a lease and are more expensive than our fob copies. Real estate agents, landlords, Airbnb hosts, property owners/managers, roommates, or having a spare copy are the top reasons for copying your condo key fob. The whole process takes 1-minute and you can choose a different fob format – fob keychain, wallet card, or phone fob sticker (only at FobToronto Fob Copy and Fobcouver).
How come we can’t copy some key fobs?
We can copy any condo key fob, HID, AWID, Indala, MiFare, iClass, Infrared Laser Remotes, Salto other garage remote fobs to access your parking garage, and many more types. However, there’s a small percentage of fobs that cannot be copied such as Kantech, DesFire and some High Encryption HID iClass that can be locked. We can copy almost any condo parking garage remote fob. Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok for the latest news and updates about our services.
What Else Do You Do?
We’re also affiliated with (30+ locations in Canada & US in partner stores), as well as supplying jacket carrying accessories, and also which supplies biodegradeable & compostable tableware and coffee cups for your guests along with your key fob copies. Check them out this week!
What types of fobs do you service?
Condo and apartment fob keys that access the main entrance + elevator, and garage doors. Please check our Fob Check page, choose your key fob / remote to see if it’s compatible. Or visit our store to show us and inquire!
Do you copy car fobs?
No we do not but Pop a Lock or may be able to do it through our partnership.
How long does the service take?
5 minutes, or up to 15 minutes if your fob is a more encrypted one, on an average basis. More on how fobs work on the encryption / decryption process here.
Is the new fob guaranteed to work?
Yes! 100% money back warranty and we would meet again to get your fob replaced if there is a problem with it. We have 5 Star Reviews by 1200+ reviewers on Google, and on Yelp because our priority is to make our customers happy.
How will my new key fob copy look like?
Your new key fob copy may look different from the original, but it will work exactly the same. You can check the equivalent look for each fob type on our page “How Will Copies Look Like” for a visual comparison.
Is there any other service included after copying the fob?
We write down your fob code on our business card, and then you can have it handy in case you lose your fob. We can make a new one by looking at the code, and can even mail you more at $5 above the usual rate per fob. Can save you a lot of time if you’re commuting from far distances away from downtown! We’re also based in North York, and if that doesn’t work please let us know to see if we can arrange something else.
What’s the chance that your fob works?
99% accuracy with the exception of some fobs that had manufacturers quality issues, but that is extremely rare and we double check before handing them off!
How do you ensure it works? I need it to work for sure.
We do a quality check process of checking your fob 3+ times before handing them off to you, and guarantee is included to make sure they work properly as intended!
Where are you located?
We’re at 47 Charles St. W near Bay and Bloor Starbucks.
9:30 AM to 7:30 PM Monday to Friday, 10:30 AM to 6:30 PM on Saturdays and 11 AM to 7 PM on Sundays. Directions and more here.
If the fob copying didn’t work, do I have to pay?
Refund will apply for fobs that didn’t work for whatever reason if you bring it back to us to our location! We accept credit, debit, and even Amex too! Refund will be applied to the method of payment used.
How Much Do You Charge?
if you have a standard fob, it is $45 for 1 fob, and $35 each if you get 5 or more in one purchase. Basically, the more you get on a per visit basis, the cheaper it is! If your fob is non-standard (high frequency, etc.) then different pricing applies – see full pricing details here.
Is it legal?
It doesn’t say anywhere on the internet that it isn’t legal, and we are fully licensed through Ontario and the city of Toronto as a Key Fob copying business as well as our branch in Vancouver.
Can hackers steal my code using illegal technology?
It’s possible within close range, although there may be technologies that can do it long range. The good news is that you can ask that your fob be deactivated by management, that way your copies will also be deactivated and they will not have the same kind of access anymore. More on how fobs work here.
Is my garage door opener cloneable?
Yes we do a lot of remote copying now and we advise you to check out the fob checker page we have on our website to see if yours is compatible. Or reach out to us to ask and send a picture of your fob before you come meet us.
How do you copy the fob?
We use hardware and software that we’ve built to copy many types of fobs and we essentially read your fob code, and then write them onto a fob we supply and would double check the readings on our tablet before handing them off!
What are the most popular types of fobs existing today?
HID, AWID, Pyramid, Indala, ICT, Securakey, GeoProx, IoProx, Mifare, Salto, or iClass or Blue HID (we can’t do these ones unfortunately) are the ones we’ve noticed so far in the 1+ years we’ve been in Toronto and 2+ years in Vancouver. More on the past fobs we’ve done in a gallery format here.
My fob isn’t listed on your Fob Checker page?
If you send us a picture of it through a text to 416-931-0225 then we can tell you if we service them or not before you book an appointment!
What is the history of FobToronto?
We have a new storefront where you can walk-in and get your condo key fob copied in just 1-minute at 47 Charles St W Bay Charles in Yorkville Toronto, ON since March 2019. We have been meeting up with clients uptown and downtown for 10 years and are partners with Fobcouver as shown in many directories online.
How does RFID copying work?
We would only copy the code that’s encrypted into your fob and then put that code onto another fob we supply, which means no personal information is obtained. As well, this code cannot be used to find any personal information (or it is extremely difficult to) because there are simply too many condos and different formats in Toronto to try and find the information of any one individual. Plus the security at the condo or apartment management has strong measures against any hackers trying to access the system. You should be fine from any information theft or any of your information being in the wrong hands. How Fobs Work explains more on our website!
Types of Models We do (Fob Checker for More):
- Indala
- lift access
- RadioKey
- Amano
- Paradox
- SecuraKey
- Keri
- Condoplex
- ProxKey II
- Other types of tap/swipe RFID Key Access Cards and Fobs. | HID cards & fobs used for condos/apartment building entry
- front door
- Keyscan
- Motorola
- Datawatch Systems
- Verex G-Prox
- G-Prox-II
- Xceedid
- bbq areas
- Miwalock
- Awid
- EMX4
- common elements area pool
- Schlage
- Pyramid
- Viking
- EM
- IoProx
- GeoProx
- garages
- car park
- gym
- Mifare
- Salto
- UHF Parking Access
Where We Provide Services? (and more):
- Fort York
- St. Lawrence
- Downtown West
- East Bayfront
- Bathurst Quay
- King West Village
- Entertainment District
- Garden District
- Niagra
- Chinatown
- The Distillery District
- Old Toronto
- South Core
- Corktown
- Little Portugal
- City Place
- Canary District
- Downtown Toronto
- Liberty Village
- West Queen West
- Yonge Corridor
- Church
- Harbourfront
- Grange Park Bay Street Corridor

Book Appointment or Visit
Ready? Set? Save!
We like to answer any Key Fob Copy FAQ. Now that you know you’re compatible, you’re ready to start the journey to come visit us at our location.
More Details Before Next Steps:
We do our best with being up to date with the list of key fob types we can copy on our website, but most of them are do-able based on your selection.
There may be some exceptions, but condo key fob types for the main door plus elevator are 100% compatible, as well as garage remotes.
Pricing varies for the type of service you need, all including lifetime warranty (excluding physical damage, battery replacements of remotes, code changes by management).
We also now have a storefront that you can come by 9:30 AM to 7:30 PM Monday to Friday, 10:30 AM to 6:30 PM on Saturdays and 11 AM to 7 PM on Sundays, and we will be happy to meet you if you don’t have time to coordinate your schedule.
Please come by and ask us any questions you may have on how it works, will you be covered by the warranty in specific cases, etc. We’re more than happy to answer any questions and help you see that getting a new fob copied externally is a move worth considering, as condo management charges up to $400 to copy your fob with a 2 week turnaround time on average.
We’re open daily, including most holidays. See you soon!
More Questions?
Toronto phone number: 416-931-0225