Do you have some serious problems with your locks? In fact, you need the services of a professional locksmith. But you know choosing right locksmith is a tough task. Now there is a question that arises that how to choose or select the best locksmith. In some cases, people don’t believe in them because of their privacy. Now we need a professional and an honest person for this task, on which we can believe! For key cutting services in Toronto please click here.



Actually they are laborers, who work as general workers. But their experience matters a lot for us. Trust is the most important thing for property owners. That’s why in most cases the business owners select theirs in city locksmiths.



While choosing right locksmith there are too many things to keep in mind. The person should be a professional, experienced, fast, honest, and reliable. The price is not matters regarding security issues. Safety is a priority for every person. Need any information related to the fob copy services please contact us.






1. The locality of the Locksmith


That is the most important factor if the locksmith lives in your area. You may contact them. He will come at the time, his response will be quick and the biggest thing is that you can believe him. Please don’t the person who is not in your area or city.





2. Ask Estimated Repair Cost


Ask the estimated cost of the services, before hiring them. In most cases, they will tell you about the cost, but if they don’t tell then you should ask about the cost. Otherwise, they can charge you more. Always keep this little thing in your mind. You should also ask them about the written copy of the estimated quote. And please confirm that is the prices are including all the taxes? 


FobToronto doesn’t offer locksmith services but we are duplicating keys in Toronto for the past decade.





3. Experience of the Selected Locksmith


The third thing that comes is the qualification of a locksmith. You should do research before hiring a person or a company. How you will check that? You should review their website, google by business’s reviews, and their overall online presence.




We are not a locksmith but in the Downtown area of Toronto, we are offering key cutting and duplication services. We are the top-rated in this industry, with over +375 reviews. And all the reviews are positive. You may ask how it is possible? We focus on the quality of our services, not money. In addition, we provide a lifetime warranty and a 100% money-back guarantee. We are the best key duplicator in the downtown area of Toronto. 





4. Credentials of the Company or Person 


Is the selecting person have a valid license or not? That’s the thing that will disturb you if you choose the person who doesn’t have any license and is providing the security services.


If the person is not having a license, then you should check his criminal record. But we will advise you that don’t waste your time by doing this thing. Just make it simple and choose the right locksmith with a valid license certification.





5. Request Invoice Upon Completion


If the services are done and completed successfully, then ask him or them about the invoice. Review that all the prices are listed on the invoice e.g. labor time cost etc.


Now we sure, that all the confusions are removed from your mind to select a locksmith. But if you have any other questions you may contact us. We can help you with our 11 years of experience in this industry.





Lifetime Warranty for Key Duplication


Hope to assist you regarding the commercial and residential security issues like key fob copy, KeyScan or keypad services and garage remotes. Book your online 24/7 appointments or you may:


Call us at: +1 416-931-0225


And Email us at


Our prices are including all the taxes and we give a lifetime warranty. In addition with a 100% money-back guarantee, there is no chance to ignore us while choosing the top-level key duplicator in Toronto.